What is anxiety? Well, here is your dictionary definition:




  1. 1. a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

    "he felt a surge of anxiety"

    synonyms:worry, concern, apprehension, apprehensiveness, consternation, uneasiness, unease, fearfulness, fear, disquiet, disquietude, perturbation, fretfulness, agitation, angst, nervousness, nerves, edginess, tension, tenseness, stress, misgiving, trepidation, foreboding, suspense;

  2. 2. strong desire or concern to do something or for something to happen.

    "the housekeeper's eager anxiety to please"

    synonyms:eagerness, keenness, desire, impatience, longing, yearning"her anxiety to please"

Ok, interesting perhaps but not very helpful. Let’s take a closer look at what’s happening…

For you to feel anxiety there first has to be something that triggers that feeling, this is your ‘stimulus’. In some cases you will be aware of what your stimulus is, in other cases the stimulus will be outside of your conscious awareness. Regardless of whether you are aware of it or not there is always a stimulus of some kind.

The stimulus triggers a thought process where your brain tries to make sense of the stimulus by searching your previous memories and experiences for a matching or similar stimulus and how you responded to it previously. Your brain doesn’t want to re-invent the wheel, it will advise the same course of action for similar situations as this is the most efficient way of dealing with the trillions of bits of information entering your brain via your senses every day. So your memories act as reference points for your brain. The more memories you have of a particular situation the more ingrained your response becomes. This is how we learn, we practice something over and over until it becomes second nature. Be aware that it is not your brains job to differentiate a good lesson from a bad one - if you practice a bad skill it will become second nature just as much as a useful skill will.

So, you have the stimulus, followed by your thought process. This then leads to your emotion. How do you feel about those thoughts. Note here that it is your thoughts that are creating your emotion, not the stimulus. This is a very important distinction. It is why two different people can experience the exact same set of circumstances and yet have completely different responses. Our emotion isn’t created by the situation, our emotion is created by our thoughts about the situation.

Your emotion then creates feeling. The feeling is the physical manifestation of the emotion. Another important point, you don’t feel emotion directly.

A feeling of Anxiety is caused when the stimulus to thought process triggers the emotion Fear. The emotion of Fear triggers the body into producing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol - the ‘Stress’ hormones.

Now there are times when this is a good thing, if you are confronted by a dangerous situation it is this response that may well save your life, it is the so-called fight or flight response. However if you are experiencing anxiety on a regular basis for no apparent reason then this is an inappropriate reaction that you have learned over time. The good news is that anything you learn can be ‘unlearned’ or you can learn something new in it’s place. This is where Hypnosis comes in. Helping you to unlearn anything that is having a negative impact on you and replacing those old patterns with new and improved ones.

Hypnosis naturally and safely helps you to achieve a number of goals in a relatively short time by guiding you through a process where you:

  • Relax - when you're relaxed your mind no longer is in alert mode or searching for new information

  • Remove Resistance - by blocking out distractions, trance removes your natural resistance to change

  • Bypass the Critical Conscious Mind - when you bypass the conscious mind you stop your natural habit of analysing everything

  • Access the Subconscious Mind - as you're distraction free, now you can focus on what you want to change by making powerful suggestions to encourage lasting change.

Hypnosis works because the change is made at the subconscious level, which is where all your habits are stored and run your life.

Hypnosis is 100% safe and is very effective at changing deep rooted issues and fast!